"Up above the world I fly, like a tea tray in the sky"

Bienvenue dans mon humble demeure. Essuyez-vous les pieds en sortant.

mercredi, août 22, 2007


Ahh Belle&Sebastian.... Merci.

I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me
To go looking for the enemy, and it wasnt very long
Before I would stand with another boy in front of me
And a corpse that just fell into me, with the bullets floying round
And I reminded myself of the words you said when we were getting on
And I bet youre making shells back home for a steady boy to wear
Round his neck, well it wont hurt to think of you as if youre waiting for
This letter to arrive because Ill be here quite a while
I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me
To go looking for the enemy, and it wasnt very long
Before I found out that the sickness there ahead of me
Went beyond the bedsit infamy of the decade gone before
And I reminded myself of the words you said when we were getting on
And I bet youre making shells back home for a steady man to wear
Round his neck, well it wont hurt to think of you as if youre waiting for
This letter to arrive because Ill be here quite a while

I fought in a war, and I didnt know where it would end
It stretched before me infinitely, I couldnt really think
Of the day beyond now, keep your head down pal
Theres trouble plenty in this hour, this day
I can see hope I can see light

I reminded myself of the looks you gave when we were getting on
And I bet youre making shells back home for a steady man to wear
Round his neck, well it wont hurt to think of you as if youre waiting for
This letter to arrive because Ill be here quite a while

Libellés :

7 remarques pertinentes:

At 22:40, Anonymous Anonyme said...

un copain de georges qui te veut du bien est revenu.. il veut rester dans l'ombre
il t'enverra un message .. sois patient ...
A bon entendeur salut
merci encore pour la musique que tu aimes
on l'aime aussi !

At 08:14, Blogger Nat pepeR said...

Georges? Geeeooooooorges????

GEORGES EST UN COPAIN, UN COPAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 11:06, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bah voilà, je suis déprimé maintenant... Fanachiste, va.

At 23:43, Blogger Nat pepeR said...

Un ptit coup de Dreadful Hours pour te remettre?

At 18:19, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Aparement, tout les lacheurs-de-comm's vénèrent l'auteur de ce blog. Je fais parti de ceux-là mais jsuis aussi français (pure souche, vous pouvez vérifier) donc je vais critiquer un peu tout en essayant de faire constructif:

Tous les lecteurs ne sont pas totallybilingues, il serait donc préférable de les envoyer sur une page radioblog (comme cela a déjà été fait). Je m'explique: avec un clip, le lecteur -désormais auditeur- va bêtement regarder les images plutot que de se forcer à comprendre le sens des mots et ne profitera plus de la richesse du texte qui lui est soumis.

Bien cordialement
Xr 71bis au carré

At 21:16, Blogger Nat pepeR said...

Trouve moi cette chanson sur Radioblog et on en reparle.


At 09:26, Anonymous Anonyme said...

C'est toi le gland !!

(et oui: mon sens de la répartie est très développé !! niarniarkniark)


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